Sunday, September 22, 2013

Post 5. UFO Photograph 4 of 5 (An Inspired Source)

This photograph of a UFO, picture 50 of 90 from Martin's Album of UFO Pictures, UFO Evolution (see the first picture above, and click on the picture to enlarge the photograph), is one taken in Devon county, England in 1972.  The giraffe was photographed during a visit by Wilfred Power to the Plymouth  Zoo, Devon, England.  The giraffe and the flying saucer that appears in the sky above the animal are the only objects depicted in the photograph.  Therefore, the symbolism present in this photograph pertains only to the giraffe and the flying saucer.  

Two alignments are present in the photograph:  alignments A and B (see the second picture above, and click on the picture to enlarge the photograph).  The spaceship that appears in this photograph is associated with alignment A.  This alignment is aligned along the horizontal axis of the flying saucer, taking into consideration the respective "tilt" of the vehicle.  When extrapolated to the head of the giraffe below, it is found to intersect alignment B at a location above the left side of the mouth of the animal, where a dark spot (possibly a shadow) is found.  Alignment B is formed by an alignment that extends from the top of the left ear of the giraffe to the dark spot at the left side of the mouth of the animal, where it intersects alignment A.  The location of the intersection of alignments A and B is believed to be the most significant feature of this inspired source.  This intersection, it is believed, has symbolic meaning.  If this symbolism is inspired by the Creator, which is believed to be the case, then the photograph is an inspired source.  However, before attempting to arrive at the symbolic meaning of this feature where alignments A and B intersect, we shall first attempt to understand the symbolic meaning of the head of the giraffe, itself.  As for the other important object in this photograph-the UFO, or flying saucer-the symbolic meaning of this vehicle will be discussed after that of the giraffe.

It may be noted that the head of the giraffe, in outline, bears a close resemblance to the outline of the combined area of the counties Cornwall and Devon on a map of southwestern England.  Therefore, Cornwall and Devon, it is believed, are symbolized by the giraffe's head.  In addition, parts of the county Somerset are believed to be symbolized by the giraffe's head, also.  This geographic outline of Cornwall, Devon, and parts of Somerset, England, symbolized by the head of the giraffe, it is believed, stretch from Land's End in Cornwall to the Mendip Hills in Somerset.  In geographic symbolism of this kind, one should not expect a perfect correlation between the actual outline of this part of southwestern England and the symbolic outline depicted by the head of the giraffe in the photograph.  A rough similarity between the two is usually sufficient to indicate that the symbolism is inspired by the Creator, and, therefore, is valid for the purpose determining the knowledge that is conveyed by this symbolism. .

We shall not attempt to identify the features present on the head of the giraffe that may, or may not, correlate to features on a geographical map of this part of England.  This is something the reader will have to do for himself.  However, the correct interpretation of the symbolism present in this inspired source ,whether it is done solitarily or as a group, may result in the discovery of a technological treasure. This treasure, it is believed, is no less than a spaceship that employs mystical technology.  Although it is not known if this spaceship is a disc-like flying saucer or a longitudinal spaceship, it probably will be one simple enough in design for one or more people to operate, that is, assuming those that discover it have attained some degree of understanding of the principles of mystical technology through knowledge conveyed by the symbolism of inspired sources.  This spaceship, most likely, will not be found by man at some obvious location on the surface of the earth.  The finders of this treasure probably will be required to enter the subterranean regions of the earth, and this will require that they first obtain the instruments of mystical particle transfer.  This will make it possible for them to travel on the mystical pathway and reach an excavated tunnel deep in the interior of the earth.  Here, in the underworld of the earth, it is believed, they will discover this spaceship, and after they gain proficiency in the operation of the vehicle, will explore the underworld of the earth.  Eventually, they will find a way to the surface of the earth, again.  However, it is not known, for certain, if, on the return journey, they will return with the spaceship, or whether they will return without it.

The above may sound like science-fiction, but one should not reject the possibility that living entities of advanced interstellar civilizations, long ago, may have established a presence on earth.  If they did, it probably was not a presence on the surface of the earth.  There simply is no credible evidence of this today.  In addition, inspired sources indicate that the Creator prohibited the living entities of advanced and advanced interstellar civilizations from dwelling on the surface of the earth.  Considering the above, it is not unreasonable to assume that some UFOs originate from bases located in the subterranean regions of the earth.  Also, it is possible that some UFOs originate from large carrier spaceships that are capable of making themselves invisible to the eyes of man and the technological devices of man that employ electromagnetic radiation.   Because inspired sources support both views above, and this blog attempts to express the view of inspired sources as this is known through the symbolism of this medium, we shall take the view that the technological treasure in the form of a spaceship employing mystical technology that will be discovered by man prior to beginning of that day, referred to in Christian eschatology as the day of the Lord (Isa. 2:10-22; Joel 2:1-11), will be discovered beneath the surface of the earth.

Turning now to the symbolism concerning the flying saucer depicted in UFO photograph 4 of 5, this spaceship, it is believed, simply signifies that a spaceship is the object of the treasure hunt, referred to above.  Why would the living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization want to give man one of their spaceships, even if it was one that was obsolete in their eyes?  Perhaps, it is the desire of the Creator for man to come into possession of an advanced spaceship, based on mystical technology, at this time.  If so, it is assumed that when this time arrives, man will also come into possession of the three portable instruments of mystical particle transfer.  He probably will discover these instruments intact somewhere on the surface of the earth (perhaps in a cave) where they have been left for certain people to find by living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization that serve the Creator.  Presumably, these people will be capable of operating these instruments soon after discovering them.  Later, it is believed, man will be capable of designing and constructing these instruments, as well.  Some may feel it may be possible to find a way to the underworld of the earth by means of a natural cave or cavern thereby circumventing the need for the instruments of mystical particle transfer.  However, this is unlikely.  Symbolically, it would seem more appropriate for those seeking to discover the underworld of the earth and the technological treasures that awaits man there, to use the mystical pathway that the use of the instruments of mystical particle transfer make possible.  Although a natural cave or cavern may be used initially, at some point in the journey the instruments of mystical technology would need to be discovered,  or if already found and in hand, be put to use.  In the eyes of the Creator, this may be an essential step in preparing man for the transformation of his present civilization, based on material technology, to an advanced civilization, based on mystical technology. 

In conclusion, the intersection of alignments A and B, as noted previously, probably is the most important feature in determining where man will discover a spaceship and possibly other devices that employ mystical technology.  However, it should not be assumed that by simply traveling to the location symbolized on the head of the giraffe by the intersection of alignments A and B that one will find the instruments of mystical particle transfer and proceed on the mystical pathway to his destination.  The symbolism involved in locating this treasure probably is more complex and convoluted than it would at first appear.  But in the end, the intersection of alignments A and B, it is believed, will be found to be the most important clue in discovering the underworld of the earth in southwestern England and the treasure that awaits man there. 

After man comes into possession of the instruments of mystical particle transfer and a spaceship that employs mystical technology, some may feel that they can now relax and bask in the fame and fortune that society reserves for its heroes.  However, noone should not rest on his laurels.  In the eyes of the Creator, the technological assistance man will receive at this time to transform his present civilization, based on material technology, to an advanced civilization, based on mystical technology, is only the first stage of many that will be necessary in order for him to develop the capability to design and construct a spaceship possessing interstellar capabilities.  When this takes place, and man's advanced civilization, based on mystical technology is transformed to an advanced interstellar civilization, also based on mystical technology, then man will be prepared, technologically, for the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age, or as the latter is referred to in Christian eschatology-the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32).  However, man must also be prepared, spiritually, for the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age, as well. At the present time, this, it is believed, is accomplished by means of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the imparting of the Holy Spirit to all that believe the gospel.

Commentary:  As was the case with UFO photographs 1, 2, and 3 of 5, a relationship is believed to exist between UFO photograph 4 of 5 and the other four UFO photographs in this study.  Once again, one aspect of this relationship, it is believed, concerns chronology.  As we have seen, each of the four UFO photographs discussed so far in this study are part of a chronological sequence that is focused on the beginning of the day of the Lord. However, whereas UFO photographs 1, 2, and 3 of 5 can be viewed as occurring years before the beginning of the day of the Lord, UFO photograph 4 of 5, it is believed, can be viewed as occurring only months before the day of the Lord. 

If so, does this mean that man's obtaining of the instruments of mystical particle transfer and his discovery of a spaceship, employing mystical technology, somewhere in subterranean southwestern England will come to late for man to capitalize on these discoveries and transform his present civilization, based on material technology, to an advanced civilization, based on mystical technology?  The answer, fortunately, is no.  Man still can carry out this transformation after the beginning of the day of the Lord.  In a future post of the blog, Inspired Sources and Man's Destiny by Jack Hetrick (, which is based on the work entitled, The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms, Volume I:  The Mystery of Inspired Sources and Their Significance to Man by Jack Hetrick, the view taken is that man will complete the transformation of his present civilization to an advanced interstellar civilization that employs mystical technology.  However, this, it is believed, will occur during the part of the day of the Lord that follows the second coming of Jesus Christ on earth in power and glory.

This part of the day of the Lord is often referred to in Judaism and Christianity as the Kingdom Age and the Millennium, respectively. Therefore, it is during this period of time that man will accomplish the transformation of his civilization to an advanced interstellar civilization.   He will have about one thousand years (Rev. 20:4-6) to do this.  When this is accomplished, and man becomes capable of designing, constructing, and operating a spaceship that can reach the stars, he will be prepared to serve Jesus Christ, technologically, as well as spiritually, in the kingdom of God over which Jesus Christ will reign in the future age.

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