Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Post 1. Introduction to the blog: Inspired Sources, Symbolism, and Anomalies

One of the most frequently encountered class of anomalies man has observed since the mid-twentieth century has been UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects).  The modern era of UFO sightings is generally considered to have begun with Kenneth Arnold's sighting of nine UFOs over the state of Washington, USA on June 24,1947.  Since that time, thousands of sightings by people around the world (as well as in space and on the moon) have been reported.  Granted, most UFO sightings are not sightings of spaceships and have more prosaic explanations, such as stars, planets, conventional aircraft and balloons.  And sometimes these sightings are hoaxes perpetrated for various reasons. However, some sightings cannot not be so easily explained, and appear to be sightings of actual spaceships.  In addition, many of the latter have been photographed, and it is these photographs that will be studied in the first study of this blog, Inspired Sources, Symbolism and Anomalies (http://www.inspiredsourcessymbolismanomalies.blogspot.com) by Jack Hetrick.  Although the first study of this blog involves five UFO photographs, in future studies other anomalies in addition to UFOs will be studied.  However, a common thread connects all the studies that will appear in this blog, and that is, they all involve a phenomenon referred to in this blog as inspired sources.

What are inspired sources?  Inspired sources, generally, are artifacts and photographic images of these that have been produced by man on earth that possess an unusual symbolism.  However, some artifacts, possessing this unusual symbolism, may have been produced by living entities of advanced civilizations, whose place of origin is not earth.  The symbolism present in inspired sources is associated with alignments and points on these alignments (alignment points) that are present with an artifact that is an inspired source.  The location of these alignments and points of alignments are so precise and symbolically poignant that one who studies an artifact that is an inspired source soon realizes that this phenomenon, surely, must have a supernatural origin.  In this blog, the origin of this symbolism is stated to be the Creator.  The Creator, in this regard, is believed to be the Triune Godhead of Christianity, that is, the Father, the Son (the Word), and the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, inspired sources are called "inspired" because the symbolism they possess is believed to be inspired by the Creator.  Similarly, they are called "sources" because they are sources of knowledge-knowledge that is conveyed to one by the symbolism of inspired sources.

The knowledge that is conveyed by the symbolism of inspired sources covers a wide range of subjects.  Frequently, it concerns matters that pertain to the end of the present age (Mt. 12:31-32) as this is understood in the context of the Christology and eschatology of Christianity.  This appears to be the theme of the symbolism present in the five UFO photographs that have been selected for the first study in this blog.  However, even more frequently, this symbolism concerns a new kind of technology-one that is referred to in this blog as mystical technology.  Inspired sources reveal that mystical technology is employed by the living entities of advanced civilizations in the operation of their spaceships. This, it is believed, includes the spaceships depicted in the five UFO photographs that will be examined in the first study of this blog.  Mystical technology involves mystical particles and forces derived from the mystical realm of the creation-a continuum not yet discovered by man.  It also involves material particles and forces derived from the matter universe of the material realm of the creation-a continuum that man calls the universe.  These two kinds  of particles, acting in concert in the matter universe of the material realm, apparently, are capable of being employed by living entities of advanced civilizations in various operations of mystical technology.

Inspired sources reveal that the mystical particles, referred to above, are capable of being transferred from the mystical realm to the material realm by means of devices that are designed to do this.  The portable version of this device is comprised of three instruments, and are referred to in this blog as the instruments of mystical particle transfer.   Apparently, it is these instruments (or similar devices) that make mystical technology possible.  Inspired sources also reveal that one day, perhaps soon, man will discover these instruments intact at various places on earth.  Presumably, after this, they will be reverse engineered by man and replicas of these instruments will be available for his use. 
However, this, it is believed, will not take place until man has first developed an understanding of the principles of mystical technology through the study of inspired sources.  After this, the Creator, it is believed, will allow man to discover the devices that employ it, including (and probably beginning with) the instruments of mystical particle transfer.

The instruments of mystical particle transfer and the mystical particles that are involved in mystical particle transfer are discussed in greater detail in an unpublished work entitled, The Creation:  Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms, Volume I:  The Mystery of Inspired Sources and Their Significance to Man by Jack Hetrick.  This copyrighted work (Copyright ©2013 by Jack Hetrick) is reproduced in the blog entitled, Inspired Sources and Man's Destiny (http://www.inspiredsources.blogspot.com) by Jack Hetrick.  Volume I of The Creation series concerns man's spiritual and technological destiny.  The spiritual destiny of man, it is believed, is intimately involved with Christianity and the Christological and eschatological aspects of that religion that pertain to the end of the present age.  The technological destiny of man, it is believed, is intimately involved with the body of knowledge derived from the symbolism of inspired sources, which, as noted above, i includes mystical technology.  In The Creation series, mystical technology is regarded as not merely a new technology-but a new kind of technology.  Man, it is believed, must discover and employ this new kind of technology, in order to be prepared, technologically (not spiritually), for the end of the present age.  However, it will be necessary for man to be prepared, spiritually, for the end of the present age, also.  This, too, is discussed in Volume I of The Creation and subsequent volumes in the context of Christianity.

One purpose of this blog, Inspired Sources, Symbolism, and Anomalies (http://www.inspiredsorcessymbolismanomalies.blogspot.com) by Jack Hetrick, is to discuss inspired sources and the knowledge conveyed by the symbolism of these as they apply to UFOs and other anomalies.  Those who desire to investigate the mystery of inspired sources, as well as those who do not believe that any mystery is involved, are free to express their comments in this blog.  By doing so, it is possible that this blog and the blogs of others may become a forum for the free exchange of ideas concerning inspired sources, mystical technology, and other related subjects.  Hopefully, this will hasten the day when man will be capable of designing, constructing, and operating a spaceship based on the principles of mystical technology-even an interstellar spaceship capable of reaching the stars.

Finally, a statement is necessary concerning a characteristic of the images used in this blog.  Frequently, the photographs, illustrations, and tables that appear in this blog are small in size.  This makes the features, words, and labels depicted on them difficult to see with the unaided eye.  However, the blog medium has a solution to this problem, and that is, simply click on the image and the image will be enlarged.  When finished viewing the image, click off the image and the latter will return to its normal size in the text of the post.

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