Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Post 2. UFO Photograph 1 of 5 (An Inspired Source)

This unusual photograph of three UFOs, picture 41 of 90 from Martin's Album of UFO pictures, UFO Evolution, (see the first picture above, and click on the picture to enlarge the photograph), is one of several taken in Switzerland by Mr. Billy Meier in the 1970's.  We will not raise the question of whether the three flying saucers depicted in the photograph are actual flying saucers or models of flying saucers arranged by Mr. Meier to resemble actual flying saucers.  As we shall see, a message is conveyed by this photograph that involves symbolism, and this symbolism is largely associated with the location of the three flying saucers vis-à-vis the background terrain.  Because of this, the message conveyed can be considered to be valid and the same regardless of whether the flying saucers were actual spaceships positioned in the sky by the operators aboard the spaceships or were models of flying saucers arranged by Mr. Meier to resemble actual spaceships that were hovering in the sky.  Although it is difficult to know with any certainty, it is the opinion of the writer that the three flying saucers depicted in the photograph were actual spaceships. 

Mr. Meier, on several occasions, reportedly, was told by the living entities of an advanced civilization with whom he was in contact, where to go in order for him to take photographs of their spaceships.  He traveled to these locations on his bicycle.  Therefore, when he traveled to these locations, he must not have taken much with him except a camera and a lunch.  However, it is a cause for wonder why Mr. Meier visually observed and took a photograph of the three spaceships depicted in the photograph, while other people nearby, apparently, did not visually observe these spaceships and take a photograph of them.  Presumably, the Creator, the living entities aboard the three spaceships, or living entities aboard another spaceship not visible in the photograph, possessed the capability of preventing other people nearby from observing the spaceships and taking photographs of them.  Although the cause of this selectivity (if it took place) is not known, for certain, it may have been the result of activity of a spiritual nature by the Creator or it may have been the result of activity of a technological nature by the living entities of the advanced civilization who operated the spaceships.  In either case, the result may have been that the three spaceships were undetectable to all but Mr. Meier.

As we shall see, the photograph taken by Mr. Meier places the three flying saucers at three important locations in the sky vis-à-vis the background terrain.  A photograph that was taken from any other location, except that location from which Mr. Meier took  his photograph, would not have had the same spatial and visual relationships between the flying saucers and the background terrain, mentioned above.  This, it is believed, is the reason why it was important, from the perspective of the living entities aboard the three flying saucers, and, presumably, the Creator, himself, for Mr. Meier to take this photograph from the location that he was told to do so.  This photograph is one that is referred to in The Creation series as an inspired source.  An inspired source is an artifact or a photographic image of the latter that is inspired by the Creator and conveys knowledge by means of symbolism.  This means that the three flying saucers can be viewed in a symbolic context.  It may be noted that directly below, or almost directly below, each of the flying saucers there exists a mountain peak.  A  straight line projected through the center of each of the flying saucers, perpendicular to the horizontal axis of each spaceship and taking into consideration the respective "tilt" of each, when extrapolated to the terrain below, will be found to precisely intersect the peaks of each of the three mountains with which the spaceships are associated.  These alignments are designated alignments A, B, and C (see the second picture above, and click on the picture to enlarge the photograph).  These kinds of anomalies are characteristic of inspired sources.  In Biblical symbolism, a mountain often represents a country, nation, or empire (Zech. 6;1-8; Rev. 17;1-13).  In this case, the three mountains, it is believed, symbolize three of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator.  The three flying saucers, in this context, can be viewed as symbolizing the spaceships that are operated by these three civilizations.

However, inspired sources reveal that there are four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator.  But where is the fourth spaceship?  Although the fourth spaceship does not appear to be present in the photograph, as we shall see, though hidden, it is present all the same.  However, before revealing its presence, it should be noted that in addition to the three mountain peaks, mentioned above, there is a fourth mountain peak depicted in the photograph.  This mountain peak is located near the left margin of the photograph.  This mountain peak, it is believed, represents the fourth advanced interstellar civilization that serves the Creator.  If this is so, where is the spaceship that is associated with this mountain peak?  If one looks carefully at the part of the valley depicted in the photograph that extends from a point below the fourth mountain peak to a point below the mountain peak immediately to the right (which is associated with one of the flying saucers), he may be able to discern an object that resembles a large ocean liner possessing two large smokestacks.  The "bow" of this ambiguous feature is located below the fourth mountain peak and the "stern" is located below the mountain peak immediately to the right (which is associated with one of the flying saucers).  Alignments D and E are the alignments associated with these two features (see the second picture above, and click on the picture to enlarge the photograph). 

Therefore, if this ambiguous feature that resembles an ocean liner symbolizes a spaceship employed by the advanced interstellar civilization associated with the fourth mountain peak, this spaceship must be very large, like an ocean liner, itself.  In addition, because this ambiguous feature is associated with two mountain peaks, and possesses two features that resemble smokestacks,  it is likely that the living entities of the two interstellar civilizations represented by the two mountain peaks, mentioned above, serve together on spaceships of this kind.  These spaceships, however, are believed to be under the control of the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization that is referred to above as the fourth advanced interstellar civilization.  Other inspired sources reveal that these living entities are the most ancient and most spiritually advanced (though perhaps not the most technologically advanced) living entities that serve the Creator.

In conclusion, one may wonder why the Creator is revealing to man at this time the existence of four advanced interstellar civilizations that dwell in the Galaxy.  The living entities of these civilizations, apparently, have been involved in man's development on earth for a long time.  Perhaps, this development is reaching a climax of some kind.  Is it possible that UFO sightings and photographs taken of them that are inspired sources, such as this photograph, are a means by which the Creator will prepare man, technologically (not spiritually), for the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age?  If so, then the mention of the Creator in a study, such as this, should not be considered archaic or inappropriate.  Man has struggled for over sixty years to understand the UFO phenomenon and still does not understand it.  Is it possible that this understanding will come only through the study of inspired sources that the Creator is revealing to man at this time?  It is not known, for certain, if other photographs (or motion pictures) of spaceships taken by Mr. Meier are inspired sources that convey knowledge through symbolism.  The writer has not studied any other of Mr. Meier's photographs for the purpose of determining this. However, he has studied thousands of other inspired sources in the form of photographs, paintings, and other artifacts that have been produced by man down through the millennia.  These indicate that the phenomenon of inspired sources is not restricted to one photograph by Mr.  Meier.

Commentary:  A relationship is believed to exist between UFO photograph 1 of 5 and the four other UFO photographs that comprise this study.  One aspect of this relationship, it is believed,  concerns chronology.  In this regard, UFO photograph 1 of 5 may symbolize the beginning of the modern era of UFO sightings that was initiated by Kenneth Arnold's sighting of nine UFOs over the state of Washington, USA on June 24,1947.  The latter, in turn, may symbolize the beginning of a concerted effort on the part of the Creator to prepare man, technologically, for that time referred to in Christian eschatology as the day of the Lord (Isa. 2:10-22, Joel 2:1-11) and the end of the present age, which follows the day of the Lord.  Likewise, the establishment of the nation of Israel about the same time, on May 14,1948, may symbolize the beginning of this concerted effort on the part of the Creator to prepare man, spiritually, for this time.  In the eyes of the Creator, Kenneth Arnold's sighting of  nine spaceships in 1947 may have signified and pertained to the technological aspect of man's destiny, while the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948 may have signified and pertained to the spiritual aspect of man's destiny.  Both aspects, it is believed, would be important and necessary in preparing man for the end of the present age and the beginning of the future age. 

 In another chronological context, in addition to the above, UFO photograph 1 of 5 may also symbolize the appearance of large numbers of UFOs, that is, spaceships, in the sky above the earth when the day of the Lord is about to begin.  What these spaceships may do at that time will be discussed in the "Commentary" section of the post entitled, UFO 2 of 5 (An Inspired Source).

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