Figure 1. Mars Global Surveyor wide angle color image of the Face
on Mars and other anomalous landforms of Cydonia with alignments
not shown (1999). Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science
Systems. Click on the picture to enlarge the photograph.
Figure 2. Mars Global Surveyor wide angle color image of the Face
on Mars and other anomalous landforms of Cydonia with alignments
shown (1999). Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science
Systems. Click on the picture to enlarge the photograph.
Most people are now aware that a "Face on Mars" was photographed by the Viking 1 orbiter in 1976 during the course of the mission of the Viking 1 and 2 orbiters to photograph the surface of Mars. Studies of the Face on Mars conducted by man since that time have revealed that, in addition to the face, many of the surrounding landforms appear to have an artificial, as opposed to a natural appearance, as if they have been geomorphologically modified by intelligent living entities possessing highly advanced technological or spiritual capabilities (Figures 1 and 2, click on the pictures to enlarge the photographs). If so, what could have been the purpose of these living entities in modifying natural landforms into artificial landforms? And why did they choose this region of Mars, called Cydonia, to do so? In this two part study of the anomalies of Cydonia, we will address these questions and attempt to answer them. However, we shall not discuss in detail background information concerning the Cydonia region of Mars and the Face on Mars. Neither will we discuss in detail the missions of the spacecraft of NASA and the European Space Agency that have photographed Cydonia and the Face on Mars. These spacecraft include the NASA Viking 1 and 2 orbiters (1976-1980), the NASA Mars Global Explorer (1997-2006), the NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (2006-), and the European Space Agency's Mars Express (2006-). It is assumed that the reader is somewhat familiar with the mystery of the Cydonia region of Mars and the Face on Mars. If not, there are sources available, where general information concerning this subject may be obtained. One of the best of these, in the writer's opinion, is the article, Cydonia (region of Mars), by Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia (online).
Turning now to the landforms of Cydonia in proximity to, and inclusive of, the Face on Mars, as stated above, some believe that many of these landforms have been geomorphologically modified. This modification, it is believed, would not be readily apparent to one situated on the surface of Mars. This is due to the large scale of the landforms in question. For example, the Face on Mars (40.25° north latitude and 9.46° west longitude) is 1.2 miles in width, 1.6 miles in length, and just under 2,600 feet high. Only from a perspective high above the surface of Mars looking down on this part of Cydonia-as were the Viking orbiters, when they took photographs of this region-would these landforms appear to be artificial rather than natural. Therefore, if these landforms were modified by intelligent living entities in order to convey a message to visitors to Mars, it is not unreasonable to assume that this message was meant to be viewed by them, initially, from the perspective of a spaceship or spacecraft orbiting the planet. And because man is the only known, indigenous, highly intelligent living entity dwelling in the solar system, it is difficult to escape the conclusion that this message was intended to be discovered by man. Of course, the latter would first have to attain a level of technological maturity that would allow him to send an unmanned spacecraft to Mars, place the vehicle in orbit around the planet, and begin photographing its surface. Only at that time would the Face of Mars and surrounding modified landforms be discovered and the message of Cydonia to man begin to be revealed.
Many have studied the anomalies of Cydonia since the Viking 1 orbiter first photographed the Face on Mars in 1976, and all of these individuals are deserving of recognition for the part they played in helping man understand these anomalies and the mystery that surrounds this region of Mars. Yet, despite the time and effort that has been expended in attempting to understand the mystery of Cydonia, the most important aspect of this mystery-the message of Cydonia-has eluded man until this time. In the eyes of the Creator, however, perhaps the time is now appropriate for this message to be revealed. In this blog, we shall address the mystery of Cydonia and try to understand its message. One reason we shall try to do this is that it may be a message that the Creator feels is important for man to know and understand at this time.
Figure 3A (left). The 1976 Viking view of the Face on Mars.
Figure 3B (right). The 2001 Mars Global Surveyor view of
the Face on Mars. Courtesy of NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science
Systems. Click on the picture to enlarge the photograph.
Figure 4. The Face on Mars as viewed by Mars Global
Surveyor in 2001, showing what is believed to be sand
build-up covering the left side of the face. Courtesy of
Nasa/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems. Click on the
picture to enlarge the photograph.
As can be seen, there is a lack of symmetry between the left side and the right side of the face of the Face on Mars (Figure 4, click on the picture to enlarge the photograph). Mr. Mac Tonnies and others believe that the fractured appearance of the left side of the face is the result of sand build-up. This sand build-up may be the result of winds that scour the right side of the face and deposit sand on the left side of the face. It may be noted that in many places this layer of sand has collapsed, resulting in the fractured appearance, mentioned above. Because of this layer of sand, it is difficult, if not impossible, to determine the features of the left side of the face beneath the sand. However, it is possible that beneath the layer of sand covering the left side of the face, the latter is roughly symmetrical with the right side of the face, which is sand-free. Perhaps, some would consider this to be sufficient evidence of the artificiality of the landform. But even if this were true and beneath the partially collapsed layer of sand on the left side of the face, this side of the face was found to be roughly symmetrical with the right side of the face, a problem would still remain in the minds of most. And that is that the right side of the face, which is sand-free, does not have the appearance of a face that was sculptured out of the landform-except in the most vague sense. If living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization sculptured a face from this landform, one would have to conclude that they were not very skillful at this sort of thing. Nevertheless, strange as it may seem, this does not mean that the landform was not sculptured by intelligent living entities. It only means that it was not sculptured to resemble a face.
Rather than a face, it may have been sculptured into a form that was designed to produce a mixture of light and shadows that resembled a face when the rays of the sun struck the landform at a low angle from the west shortly before sunset on Mars. Man's experience is such that he would view the sculpturing of a face from a landform 1.2 miles in width and 1.6 miles in length to be an amazing accomplishment by whoever might accomplish this. However, an even more amazing accomplishment would be the sculpturing of a landform in such a manner that it produced a mixture of light and shadows that resembled a face when the rays of the sun struck the landform at a low angle from the west shortly before sunset. If this is correct, then man has obviously underestimated the intelligence and capabilities of the living entities who are responsible for the Face of Mars and the other anomalous landforms of this part of Cydonia.
As noted above, the setting of the sun in the west at sunset on Mars and the illumination of the right side of the Face on Mars by the rays of the sun at that time is believed to have symbolic significance. Of course, it would be helpful if we knew who, or what, the Face on Mars symbolized. We will address that subject, shortly. However, if we assume for now that the Face on Mars symbolizes a living entity-perhaps, a living entity of an advanced interstellar civilization-then this living entity appears to become illuminated and take on the form of a face sculptured from a landform at a time that is symbolically associated with sunset on Mars. But this sunset may have a more general symbolic or metaphoric connotation. It may, in fact, symbolize the end of the present age as the latter is understood in Christian eschatology (Mt. 12:31-32). As we have seen in the study of the five UFO photographs earlier in this blog, the end of the present age, in Christian eschatology, is preceded by the day of the Lord (Isa. 2:10-22; Joel 2:1-11). In this context, the living entity represented by the Face on Mars, symbolically, may become active at the time of sunset as the latter is symbolized above. Presumably, this activity will occur on earth among mankind because the Face on Mars and the other anomalous landforms of this part of Cydonia, apparently, were produced in order that man may discover them and eventually arrive at an understanding of the message, or messages, conveyed by the symbolism associated with them. However, it would be premature to speculate what this activity involves, other than to state that it appears to involve man on earth and that it begins to take place near the time of the beginning of the day of the Lord.
Figure 5. Viking orbiter mosaic showing landforms of
Cydonia with popular, informal names (1976). Courtesy
of NASA/JPL/Malin Space Science Systems. Click on the
picture to enlarge the photograph.
As noted above, the setting of the sun in the west at sunset on Mars and the association of this event with the Face of Mars is believed to have symbolic significance. However, the rising of the sun in the east on Mars and the association of this event with the Face on Mars is also believed to have symbolic significance, as well. According to Mr. Richard Hoagland and others, astronomical charts of the Martian celestial vault reveal that on the summer solstice 500,000 years ago the sun rose in the east behind a landform at Cydonia, popularly called the Cliff (Figure 5, click on the picture to enlarge the photograph). At the same time, it also rose at the mouth of the Face on Mars, as viewed from four small hills aligned to form a cross west of the face. These four hills are popularly called the City Square. In addition, according to Mr. Hoagland, just prior to the rising of the sun at dawn on that summer solstice 500,000 years ago, the earth rose above the horizon of Mars at the same place that the sun would do so a short time later. The heliacal rising of the earth at this time, it is believed, has symbolic significance that pertains to an important event that took place in the development of man on earth. We will address that event, shortly.
However, the rising of the sun at the time of the summer solstice mentioned above, and its association with the mouth of the Face on Mars, it is believed, also has symbolic significance. In this regard, this symbolism, it is believed, pertains to the beginning of a new advanced civilization on Mars-one that served the Creator and whose home planet would become Mars. The rising of the sun on this summer solstice 500,000 years ago is believed to refer to the beginning of this new advanced civilization, mentioned above. We will have more to say concerning this new advanced civilization later. However, if the rays of the rising sun at dawn, striking the left side of the Face on Mars, signified the beginning of this new advanced civilization, do the rays of the setting sun at dusk striking the right side of the Face of Mars signify the end of this civilization, or at least the end of this civilization as it has existed for 500,000 years? These are aspects of the symbolism of this part of Cydonia and the Face on Mars that are not known, for certain, at this time. Presumably, they will be known at some future time.
Although we have identified some of the symbolic aspects of the Face on Mars, we still have not discussed or identified who, or what, the face symbolizes. One clue that may help us to do this may be the time 500,000 years ago. As we have seen, this time is associated with the summer solstice 500,000 years ago and the rising of the sun in the east on an alignment that included among other features of Cydonia, the Cliff, the mouth of the Face on Mars, and the City Square. This alignment is designated alignment A in Figure 2 and along with alignment B, which will be discussed in Cydonia (A Region of Mars), Part 2: The Cosmic War, constitutes evidence that the Face on Mars and other anomalous landforms of this part of Cydonia are inspired sources. This means that they are inspired by the Creator and convey knowledge through symbolism. The time, 500,000 years ago, as we have seen, also involved the heliacal rising of the earth just prior to the rising of the sun on Mars during the summer solstice of that time. The heliacal rising of the earth at this time, it is believed, signified the occurrence of an event of major importance in the development of man on earth. It was at this time, somewhere in Africa, that living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization, having received permission from the Creator, mated in some way with members of the species, Homo erectus. By means of an in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer method, selected surrogate Homo erectus females, it is believed, received hybrid embryos, carried the latter to term, and gave birth to offspring that possessed a genome that was one-half living entity of an advanced interstellar civilization and one-half that was Homo erectus.
These offspring were primitive Homo sapiens (not Homo sapiens sapiens, or modern man). This species possessed certain advantages over Homo erectus, and after this time, the former flourished and the latter languished. These Homo sapiens and their offspring, it is believed, comprised the evolutionary line of man, which is to be distinguished from the created line of man. The latter began with Adam of the Bible. However, Adam did not appear on earth until 400,000 B.C., or 100,000 years after the appearance of Homo sapiens on earth. Nevertheless, Adam was the first Homo sapiens sapiens, or modern man. However, after the death of Adam and Eve, their offspring ceased dwelling on the surface of the earth for a long period of time. During this period of time, only members of the evolutionary line of man (Homo sapiens) dwelt on the surface of the earth.
Although the writer realizes that the above account of what occurred on earth about 500,000 years ago may sound strange, something just as strange, apparently, occurred on Mars about the same time. There are few inspired sources other than the geomorphologically modified landforms of Cydonia to support the view that follows. Therefore, that which follows may require amending when more information concerning this subject becomes known. However, about 500,000 years ago on Mars, a male living entity of an advanced interstellar civilization, who, by means of a form of cloning, referred to in this blog as spiritual cloning, had perpetuated his life for many millennia, chose to marry a female living entity of the same advanced interstellar civilization. It was this civilization that provided the female living entities for the mating with Homo erectus by means of an in-vitro fertilization and embryo transfer method on earth about this time. However, because both the male and female living entities that married on Mars were highly evolved and highly intelligent, the offspring that they produced were highly evolved and highly intelligent, also. But in the case of the mating between the female living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization and the males of Homo erectus, the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilization (the females) were highly evolved and highly intelligent while the members of Homo erectus (the males) were not very highly evolved and highly intelligent. Consequently, the offspring of these matings possessed genomes that were less highly evolved and less intelligent than their maternal side, but more highly evolved and intelligent than their paternal side. Nevertheless, despite the gains in intelligence that the evolutionary line of man experienced at this time, it would take Homo sapiens, and later Homo sapiens sapiens, 500,000 years to advance evolutionally and intellectually to the point where they would be capable of building a spacecraft that would be capable of reaching Mars and photographing Cydonia and the Face on Mars.
In conclusion, with regard to the new advanced civilization that was established on Mars about 500,000 years ago, this new civilization, it is believed, was an advanced civilization, but not an advanced interstellar civilization. However, this advanced civilization would later become an advanced interstellar civilization, and the most recent of the four advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator to become so. It also would become very active on earth, that is, subterranean earth. But this, it is believed, did not take place until much later. When this nascent advanced civilization began dwelling on Mars about 500,000 years ago, it dwelt in the subterranean regions of the planet, just like it would later do, when it dwelt on earth. The living entities of this civilization dwelt in these subterranean regions, it is believed, because the Creator desired the living entities of all advanced civilizations and advanced interstellar civilizations dwelling in the solar system to do so with respect to the celestial bodies upon which they dwelt. Therefore, little or no evidence of the existence of these civilizations can be found on the surface of celestial bodies, such as earth and Mars, except in areas like Cydonia where inspired sources are found and the symbolism present has been inspired by the Creator (Figures 1 and 2). Now, we shall attempt to identify the living entity, who is represented by the Face on Mars at Cydonia. This living entity, it is believed, can be none other than the leader or king of the advanced interstellar civilization that considers Mars its home planet. This leader or king (and his wife), apparently are the ancestral living entities of all the living entities that comprise this civilization, except for those of other cultures and civilizations, who have been adopted by, or otherwise are associates, of this civilization.
Hancock, Graham: The Mars Mystery, Crown Publishers, Inc. (1998), ISBN 0-609-60086-9
Hoagland, Richard: The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever (5 ed.), North Atlantic Books (2002), ISBN 978-1583940549
Tonnies, Mac: After the Martian Apocalypse, Paraview Pocket Books (2004), ISBN 0-7434-8293-X
Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia: Cydonia (region of Mars), Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. (an online encyclopedia)
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