Thursday, September 17, 2015

Post 19. Symbolism Concerning a Spherical Rock Photographed by the Mars Rover, Curiosity, on the Surface of the Gale Crater of Mars on September 11, 2014

An anomaly in the form of a spherical rock was photographed by the Mars rover, Curiosity, on the surface of the Gale Crater on September 11, 2014.  In an article written by Ian O’Neill (HTTP://NEWS.DISCOVERY.COM/IAN-ONEILL.HTM) on September 24, 2014 entitled Curiosity Finds a Weird ‘Ball’ on Mars it was stated that NASA JPL scientists consider this spherical rock to be a Martian haemetite concretion, or a “blueberry” (Figures 1 and 2).  Concretions such as this were formed at a time, when Mars had abundant water and layers of sediment accumulated in the Gale Crater. Over the course of time, the softer sedimentary layers were eroded away leaving behind harder spherical concretions. NASA scientists believe that one of these concretions was transported by wind and gravity to its present location where it was photographed on September 11, 2014 by Curiosity.  However, the spherical rock in Figures 1 and 2 is not as big as it looks. NASA scientists say that it is approximately 1 centimeter in diameter. 
 Figure 1. The spherical rock photographed by the
Mars rover, Curiosity, in the Gale crater of Mars
on September 11, 2014 with alignments not
drawn for better viewing of the surrounding
terrain features (Courtesy of NASA/JPL-
Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems).


 Figure 2. The spherical rock photographed by the Mars
Rover, Curiosity, in the Gale crater of Mars on
September 11, 2014, with alignments drawn
(Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space
Science Systems).

Despite this seemingly rational explanation for the presence of this spherical rock on the surface of Mars, it should be noted that there are other terrain features in the photograph taken by Curiosity that can be considered to be anomalous. These terrain features are depicted in Figures 1 and 2.  In Figure 1, no alignments have been drawn on the photograph.  The purpose of this is to allow better viewing of the features of the photograph.  In Figure 2, however, three alignments have been drawn on the photograph.  These alignments are designated alignments A, B, and C.  They reveal that this photograph is an inspired source that possesses symbolic knowledge.  Because this symbolic knowledge is associated with the alignments and their alignment points, they can be studied and their symbolic knowledge revealed.  Figures 1 and 2, it is believed, are  inspired sources.  As in all cases of inspired sources, they are called “inspired” because the symbolism present in these artifacts is believed to be inspired by the Creator, and they are called “sources” because the increments of knowledge transmitted by the symbolism of these artifacts are sources of knowledge.

 We shall now begin the study of Figure 2 and the anomalous terrain features that are believed to be present in this figure.  Hopefully, at the end of this study, we shall arrive at certain conclusions concerning this inspired source and the meaning of its symbolism.  It may be noted that in addition to the spherical rock, there is also present in Figure 2 two circular features that resemble craters, and are about the same diameter as the spherical rock.  The spherical rock, it may be recalled, was determined by NASA scientists to be approximately 1 centimeter in diameter.  Therefore, the two crater-like terrain features, referred to above, are about the same diameter.  Because these two terrain features are similar in diameter to the spherical rock, they can be considered anomalies, and as we shall see, important in understanding the symbolism of Figure 2.

 It also may be noted that the surface rock associated with the two craters and the spherical rock is  exposed above the regolith (soil) in some places.  Although it takes patience and some imagination, it is possible to see in this surface rock the general shape of the continental USA as the latter would be viewed from high above the earth.  In this regard, the crater depicted near the center of Figure 2 can be viewed as located at the northwestern part of the continental USA where the Pacific coasts of Oregon and Washington (including Puget Sound) are found.  From this symbolic coastal area, one can follow the left border of the regolith-free surface rock here downward on Figure 2 along an area of surface rock that symbolizes the Pacific coast of California until reaches the lower end of two anomalous terrain features which together form a feature that resembles the number 8.  This feature that resembles the number 8, it is believed, symbolizes the Baja California, Mexico peninsula.  Therefore, from the location of the crater at the Pacific coasts of Oregon and Washington, one can follow the left border of the regolith-free surface rock downward along the symbolic west coast of California until he reaches the southern tip of the Baja California, Mexico peninsula.

 Turning now to the other crater, this crater is depicted near the right border of Figure 2 and can be viewed as located along the gulf coast of Florida about midway down the Florida peninsula.  However, in another context of symbolism, we shall see that this crater can be viewed as located along the Atlantic coast near New York City, New York City, New York.  And in still another context of symbolism, this crater can be viewed as located on the Atlantic coast of South Carolina.  Therefore, from the coastal area of New York, one can follow the right border of the regolith-free surface rock downward on Figure 2 beyond the Georgia coast until he arrives at the lower end of an anomalous terrain feature that resembles the Florida Peninsula.  This competes a description of the symbolism associated with the anomalous terrain features that are believed to symbolize the western and eastern coasts of continental USA in Figure 2.  The northern and southern borders of the regolith-free surface rock that are believed to symbolize the north and south borders of the continental USA can also be discerned in Figure 2.  However, these areas also describe Canada and Mexico, and the Gulf of Mexico, none of which play an important role in the study of this inspired source.  There is also a regolith-free area of Figure 2 that lies below the southern border of the continental USA.  This area, as we shall see, is believed to symbolize the Florida peninsula, once more.  But this time it is attached to another land mass located east of Florida.  This situation does not exist at the present time.  However, it may exist sometime in the future. With regard to the spherical rock, this terrain feature is depicted in Figure 2 between the two craters, and can be viewed, in one context, as located, symbolically, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  However, in another symbolic context, the spherical rock can be viewed as located at Chicago, Illinois.  And in still another symbolic context, the spherical rock can be viewed as located at New Madrid, Missouri.

 As noted above, there is believed to be more than one symbolic context concerning the symbolism of the spherical rock and the two craters.  This also applies to some of the other anomalous terrain features present in Figure 2, as well.   In fact, there are believed to be three contexts of symbolism involved in this inspired source.  This view is supported by an anomalous terrain feature, which is present in Figure 2 that resembles the number 3.  This feature is better viewed in Figure 1, which does not possess drawn alignments. This anomalous terrain feature is also the terminus of alignments A, B, and C of Figure 2.  The three symbolic contexts present in Figure 2 that are represented by this anomalous terrain feature that resembles the number 3 in Figure 2 are: (1) a symbolic context that pertains to three meteorite events in the continental USA, (2) a symbolic context that pertains to three weapons of mass destruction events in the continental USA, and (3) a symbolic context that pertains to three earthquake events in the continental USA.  In addition, the anomalous terrain feature that resembles the number 3 also reveals that there are two other things that involve the number three, in addition to the three symbolic contexts, mentioned above. 

These are the three major anomalous terrain features, the spherical rock and the two craters, that are associated with each of the three contexts.  These reveal that each context involves three events and not 4 or 5 events (as would be the case if 4 or 5, instead of 3 major anomalous terrain features, were used in the symbolism). Also, there are three alignments, alignments A, B, and C, that are associated with each symbolic context that enables one to determine the timing, or the order, in which the three events that comprise a context will take place, that is, will they take place first, second, or third.  In this regard, the order in time that these three major anomalous terrain features occur appears to be determined by the three aspects of the terrain feature that resembles the number 3 that are present on its left side, each one of these aspects being the place of termination of one of the alignments of Figure 2.  Therefore, the crater represented by alignment A terminates at the highest aspect of the number 3 of the terrain feature that resembles this number and this indicates that this event occurs first in a designated context.  Likewise, the crater represented by alignment C terminates at the second highest aspect of the number 3 of the terrain feature that resembles this number and this indicates that this event occurs second in a designated context.  Similarly, the spherical rock represented by alignment B terminates at the lowest aspect of the number 3 of the terrain feature that resembles this number and this indicates that this event occurs third in a designated context. 

 We shall now study the first context of symbolism in Figure 2.  In the first context, the spherical rock and the two craters are believed to signify three meteorites that have, or will, strike the earth or disintegrate above the earth somewhere in the continental USA.  The first meteorite event of the first context is represented by the crater located near the right border of Figure 2.  The second meteorite event of the first context is represented by the crater located near the center of Figure 2.  And the third meteorite event is represented by the spherical rock located between the two craters.  The above order in time is based on the criteria, mentioned above, concerning the order in which the three events of the first context take place as this is determined by the terminal alignment points of the three alignments that are associated with the three major anomalous terrain features. Therefore, the first meteorite event of this context is associated with the crater represented by alignment A.  A careful examination of the  terrain features in Figure 2 that surround this crater (the origin of alignment A) reveals a geography that resembles the gulf coast of Florida about midway down the Florida Peninsula. Two cities located near here are Tampa and St. Petersburg. 

 Does this mean a meteorite will strike these cities sometime in the future? This is possible, but prior to this another meteor sighting may take place-one that occurred just recently.   
However, instead of taking place at the surface of the earth, this meteorite event took place in the atmosphere above the earth.  That is too say, the meteor disintegrated in the air before it reached the ground.  This meteor was the fireball that was sighted about 4:50 a.m. February 17, 2015 above Kittanning, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh.  Before disintegrating, this fireball lit up the night sky over Pennsylvania, New York, and Ohio.  It is estimated to have been about 2 feet in diameter and to have weighed about 500 pounds just prior to its disintegration.  The fragments of the fireball were scattered harmlessly east of Kittanning. This meteorite did not cause any destruction or loss of life. If it was not the meteorite symbolized by the spherical rock and alignment B, its purpose may have been to warn mankind on earth-particularly, those living in the continental USA,-that the disasters referred to above are about to begin-and, perhaps, also to provide a hope that they may be rendered harmless by the Creator if man seeks a saving relationship with the Creator through Jesus Christ.   

 Turning to the second meteorite event of the first symbolic context, this event is represented by the crater located near the center of Figure 2.  The second meteorite event of this context is associated with the crater, which is the origin of alignment C.  A careful examination of the surrounding terrain features in Figure 2 reveals that this crater is located on the part of the surface rock that symbolizes the coasts of Oregon and Washington (including Puget Sound).  This would appear to mean that the meteorite event associated with this crater could take place anywhere in the area referred to above.  Although no city in this part of the continental USA appears to be indicated as the location of this meteorite strike, it may be of interest to note that a small fireball or UFO was seen falling into Bellingham Bay, Washington on July 27, 1984 about 03:39 p.m.  The city of Bellingham, Washington is located on Bellingham Bay.  This meteorite event may have taken place too far in the past to be relevant to this study involving the anomalous spherical rock.  However, it is possible that the meteor sighted in 1984 was intended to be a sign from the Creator of a more powerful meteorite event that will take place in the northwestern part of the continental USA sometime in the future.

 The third meteorite event of the first symbolic context is represented by the spherical rock located between the two craters in Figure 2.  The third meteorite event of this context is associated with the spherical rock, which is the origin of alignment B.  A careful examination of the surrounding terrain features in Figure 2 reveals that the spherical rock is located on the part of the surface rock in Figure 2 that symbolizes the confluence of the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers that form the Ohio River.  Therefore, the third meteorite event of the first context, it is believed, will take place at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as did the meteorite event or fireball, referred to above.

 We shall now study the second context of symbolism in Figure 2.  In the second context, the spherical rock and the two craters are believed to symbolize three weapons of mass destruction that will be used against three cities in the continental USA.  The first event involving a weapon of mass destruction of the second context is represented by the crater located near the right border of Figure 2.  The second event involving a weapon of mass destruction of the second context is represented by the crater located near the center of Figure 2.  And the third event involving a weapon of mass destruction of the second context  is represented by the spherical rock located between the two craters.   As noted above, the order in which the three events of the second context takes place appears to be determined by the terminal alignment points of these three alignments that are located at the terrain feature that resembles the number three. Therefore, the first weapon of mass destruction event of this context is associated with the crater represented by alignment A.  The second weapon of mass destruction event of this context is associated with the crater represented by alignment C.   And the third weapon of mass destruction event of this context is associated with the spherical rock represented by alignment B.

 Before beginning the study of the first weapon of mass destruction event, which is associated with the crater where alignment A originates, it should be noted that the three major anomalous terrain features, that is, the two craters and the spherical rock, which symbolize three weapons of mass destruction may symbolize something more.  If it is assumed that these weapons of mass destruction are three bombs or warheads of some kind, then the two craters may symbolize two weapons that were successfully launched and detonated, while the spherical rock may symbolize a weapon that, for some reason, was not successfully launched and detonated.    As a result, the city that was targeted by this weapon was spared.

 In the second context, the crater associated with alignment A is believed to be located near New York City, New York.  As we have seen, alignment A is the first alignment of the second context and originates at the crater located near the right border of Figure 2.  Alignment C is the second alignment of the second context and originates at the crater located near the center of Figure 2. This crater is symbolically located on the Pacific coasts of Oregon and Washington (including Puget Sound) in the northwest part of the continental USA.  As for this crater, it is assumed that it signifies one of the major cities in this part of the continental USA.  Since Seattle is the major city in this part of the continental USA, it is possible that this city is the one that will struck by a weapon of mass destruction.  This event, when it takes place, will be the second weapon of mass destruction event of the second context.  In the second context, the spherical rock that is associated with alignment B is believed to be located in Illinois, more specifically, Chicago, Illinois.  Although this city, originally, was one of the three cities that was the intended target of a weapon of mass destruction, something apparently took place that prevented this event from taking place.  In this regard, it is possible that the launching place of these weapons of mass destruction will be discovered by US military and this launching place destroyed.  If so, the third weapon of mass destruction, the one destined for Chicago, may be destroyed before it is launched or be diverted off course after its launch.  Alignment B, which originates at the spherical rock, represents the third event of the second symbolic context.

 The above symbolism seems to indicate that weapons of mass destruction, apparently, will be used against the USA in the second symbolic context, referred to above.  However, it is not known, for certain, who will launch these attacks, how they will accomplished this, and from where on earth these weapons will be launched.  However, answers to these questions may be revealed by a study of the symbolism of an anomalous terrain features in Figure 2.  This terrain feature can be identified by its angular shape, its color, which is black (a result of its being in shadow), and by the three alignment points that are found here.  These points are A2, B2, and C2 of alignments A, B, and C.

 If the exposed surface rock located in Figure 2 above the exposed surface rock believed to symbolize the USA can be viewed as symbolizing Canada, then the large expanse of regolith above the surface rock represented by Canada can be viewed as symbolizing the waters of the Arctic Ocean.  Now, returning to the angular, black anomalous terrain feature, mentioned above, we might ask, “what does this object resemble?”  If we can answered this question, then perhaps we may be able determine what this anomalous terrain feature symbolizes, as well.  The initial impression of the writer is that this angular, black object sticking out of the regolith (the latter, symbolizing the waters of the Arctic Ocean) is that this rock resembles the dorsal fin of a  shark.  Some may feel that this rock resembles a mythical sea monster with the right side of his head in view and its mouth open. Others may  see in this object, a submarine broaching the surface of the water following a dive.   If the latter is the case, it is possible that the three weapons that will be launched may come from a submerged submarine in the Arctic Ocean.  This could the work of a rogue captain and crew involved in a  desperate attempt to influence the world political order in some way.   Or, it could involve an advanced interstellar civilization making its appearance known on earth at this time-a civilization that, until this time, man did not know existed on earth. 

 In the third symbolic context, the two craters and the spherical rock symbolize great earthquakes of a magnitude of 8 and 11 on the Richter scale.  Three or more of these earthquakes will, apparently, strike the continental USA, in conjunction with the third context.   These great earthquakes, undoubtedly, will initiate other earthquakes, which, presumably, will be of lesser magnitude.  In this context, the first great earthquake to strike the continental USA, it is believed, is symbolized by the crater associated with alignment A.  This crater, depending on one’s interpretation, can be viewed as being located at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Atlantic coast of New York adjacent to New York City, or the Atlantic coast of South Carolina   However the view taken by the writer is that this crater, in this context, is located at or near Charleston, South Carolina.  Here, also, point A1 of alignment A is located.  Adjacent to the lower end of the crater there are found two faint circular anomalous terrain features that resemble the number 8.  This, it is believed, refers to an earthquake of magnitude 8 that will strike this part of the coast of South Carolina and become the first earthquake event of the third context.   This city, Charleston, South Carolina, and the seismic zone associated with that city, which is called the Middleton Place-Summerville Seismic Zone, is a place where large earthquakes have occurred in the past.  The last major earthquake that occurred here was a 7.3 magnitude earthquake, which occurred in 1886.  Presumably, this seismic zone is capable of producing a magnitude 8 earthquake, also.

 The second great earthquake to strike the continental USA, it is believed, is symbolized by the crater associated with alignment C.  This is the second of the three great earthquakes that will strike the continental USA in the third context.  This crater, as we have seen, can be viewed as being located along the coast of Oregon and Washington (including Puget Sound) in the northwestern part of the continental USA.  It may be noted that within the crater, there appears to be found a feature that is black and resembles a carelessly drawn number 8.  This may indicate that the magnitude of the earthquake that will strike this part of the continental USA, will be an 8.  Here, also, point C1 of alignment C is located.  If one extrapolates alignment C downward on Figure 2 from alignment point C1, it may be noted that it intersects another anomalous terrain feature that resembles the number eight, also.   This point of intersection is located about where the cities of Los Angeles and San Diego, California would be expected to be located on a map of southern California.  Both, Oregon and Washington, as well as California, are the location of major seismic faults.  For the former, it is the Cascadia Subduction Zone and for the latter it is the San Andreas Fault.  This inspired source may be revealing that the two major faults, mentioned above, are linked and when one of the faults experiences a major earthquake, it is likely that the other will experience a major earthquake, also.

 The third great earthquake to strike the continental USA, it is believed, is symbolized by the spherical rock associated with alignment B.  This is the third of the three great earthquakes that will strike in the third symbolic context.  This spherical rock, as we have seen, can be viewed as being located in Pennsylvania or Illinois and is symbolically associated with Pittsburgh and Chicago in those states. However, in this context, the spherical rock is believed to symbolize a location in eastern Missouri near New Madrid, Missouri.  Here, the most active earthquake activity associated with the New Madrid Seismic Zone takes place.  In this, the third context, the anomalous terrain feature that resembled the Allegheny River in the first and third meteorite events of the first context, can now be seen as an anomalous terrain feature that symbolically resembles the Mississippi River flowing north to south to the right of the spherical rock.  The spherical rock is represented by alignment B in Figure 2 and, in this context, is symbolically located at New Madrid, Missouri.  It may be noted that an anomalous terrain feature that resembles the number 11 is found adjacent to and below the spherical rock.  This number 11, it is believed, indicates that the magnitude of the earthquake that will take place along the New Madrid Seismic Zone at that time will be an 11

 Most geologists believe that an earthquake of magnitude 9 on the Richter scale is the highest magnitude possible.  They feel that the earth’s crust and must break and fracture, when subjected to the force of an earthquake having a magnitude of 9. But here and elsewhere in inspired sources, the number 11 is symbolized in Richter scale magnitudes.  Therefore, it is possible that a Richter scale magnitude of 11, not 9, may be the most powerful earthquake that can be experienced on earth.  The New Madrid Seismic zone, or New Madrid Fault Line, was responsible for the 1811-1812 New Madrid earthquakes. This seismic zone had four of the largest North American earthquakes in recorded history with magnitudes estimated to be as large as 8, all occurring within a three month period between December 11, 1811 and February 1812.  Geologists believe this seismic zone may have the potential to produce large earthquakes, again. The 150 mile long fault system extends into several states, stretching southward from Cairo, Illinois, to New Madrid, Missouri, and continuing into Tennessee and Arkansas

 At this time, we shall briefly discuss the alignments that are present in Figure 2. These, as we have seen, are alignments A, B, and C.  Alignment A begins at point A1 located at the crater depicted near the right border of Figure 2, proceeds to point A2 located at the upper aspect of the angular, black rock  (in shadow) that rises out of the regolith, and terminates at point A3 located at a terrain feature in the distance that resembles the number 3.  Alignment B begins at point B1 located at the spherical rock, proceeds to point B2 located at the intermediate aspect of the angular, black (in shadow) rock that rises out of the regolith, and terminates at point B3 located at a terrain feature in the distance that resembles the number 3.  Alignment C begins at point C1 located at the crater depicted near the center of the Figure 2, proceeds to point C2 located at the lower aspect of the angular, black (in shadow) that rises out of the regolith, and terminates at point C3 located at a terrain feature in the distance that resembles the number 3.

 If one extrapolates alignment B downward in Figure 2, this will result in the alignment proceeding from point B1 at the spherical rock to the upper aspect of two exposed surface rocks.  One of these resembles the Florida Peninsula and the other is the large surface rock that is situated beside the surface rock that resembles the Florida Peninsula.  Symbolically, this may mean that the earth upheavals at this time, that is, during the time of the third earthquake event of the third context, will cause the Atlantic Ocean seafloor between the Bahama Islands and the Florida Peninsula to undergo a rise in elevation and emerge from the Atlantic Ocean.  At the northern aspect of this newly formed land, the latter may join or nearly join the land that is referred to as the Florida Peninsula and the Atlantic coast of Georgia.  Is there any other evidence that indicates that a portion of the Atlantic Ocean seafloor off the present-day Atlantic coast of Florida and Georgia will emerge from the sea?  It may be noted that in 1940 the clairvoyant E. Cayce, while in a trance, stated that certain areas of the western Atlantic Ocean seafloor would rise out of the ocean. His exact words concerning this subject were:

                                 Poseidia will be among the first portions of Atlantis to
                                 rise again-expect it in ’68 and ’69-not so far away.  (Edgar
                                 Cayce reading: 958-3 ©1971, 1993-2007 by the Edgar
                                 Cayce Foundation.  All Rights Reserved.)

Although many have commented on this reading and wondered why the event stated in the reading did not come to pass in 1968 and 1969, perhaps the fault is not in the reading but in the reader of this reading.  In this regard, perhaps he needs to view the reading from a fresh point of view.  If he does, he may discover that this prediction does not contradict the conclusions of this study, and, in particular, those that pertain to the third earthquake event of the third context of the symbolism of this inspired source. 


O'Neill, Ian: Curiosity Finds a Weird Ball on Mars,

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