Friday, September 27, 2013

Post 6. UFO Photograph 5 of 5 (An Inspired Source)

This photograph of a UFO, picture 89 of 90 from Martin's Album of UFO Pictures, UFO Evolution (see the first picture above, and click on the picture to enlarge the photograph), is one that was taken in the USA during the 1920's.  This photograph possesses only one alignment, alignment A (see the second picture above, and click on the picture to enlarge the photograph).  However, because it does possess an alignment, it can be considered to be an inspired source that conveys knowledge through symbolism.

The symbolism of this photograph, it is believed, pertains to Christian eschatology.  However, that eschatology, it is believed, not only pertains to man on earth.  It also, in some respects, pertains to living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations, who dwell in the Milky Way Galaxy and serve the Creator.  The living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations, who dwell in the Milk Way Galaxy and serve Satan, are not present in the symbolism of this inspired source.  As we have seen in past posts of this blog, the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator are believed to number four.  In this photograph, the living entities of these civilizations, it is believed, are symbolized by the white flowers that emerge above the height of the corn (or sorghum) near the upper left margin of the photograph.  The uppermost of these white flowers is intersected by alignment A.  This alignment also intersects the tallest part of the stalk of corn (or sorghum) being held upright by the farmer standing in the wagon.   It also intersects the flying saucer in the sky behind the wagon.  Therefore, symbolically, the white flowers, the tall stalk of corn (or sorghum) held by the farmer, and the spaceship, can be considered to be linked, symbolically.  In this context, one could view the white flowers as symbolizing the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator, and the flying saucer as the spaceships that are operated by those civilizations.  The tall stalk of corn (or sorghum), the wagon, and all that pertains to it, it is believed, symbolizes various aspects the beginning of that period of time referred to in Christian eschatology as the day of the Lord (Isa. 2:10-22; Joel 2:1-11).  If this is correct, then alignment A reveals that the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator will be involved in the events that will take place in that day. 

There are several Scriptural references that compare the church of Jesus Christ to a field of grain (Mt. 13:18-23, 24-30, 36-43).  In this context, the corn (or sorghum) that has already been harvested, and is lying horizontally on the bed of the wagon, it is believed, symbolizes the church of Jesus Christ, including the members of the church alive on earth, at the time that the rapture takes place.  At this time, all deceased Christians of the church of Jesus Christ will be resurrected and leave the earth, and Christians of the church of Jesus Christ alive on earth at this time will be translated.  Presumably, after their translation, they will possess bodies similar to the resurrected bodies of the deceased church of Jesus Christ.  This is described by the Apostle Paul  in 1 Cor. 15:51-54 and 1 Thes. 4:13-18, 5:1-5.  The wagon in which the corn (or sorghum) is lying may be viewed as the place where these resurrected and translated saints will go following the rapture. This place may not be the abode of the dead in the spiritual realm called heaven in Christian theology.  Heaven is a place where the Christian is taken to await his resurrection after he dies.  However, those of the church of Jesus Christ, including those taken in the rapture, already possess resurrected bodies as a result of the events that took place at the time of the rapture.  Instead, they may simply go to the place where Jesus Christ will be found dwelling following the rapture, and "be ever with the Lord" (1 Thes. 4:17). 

The rapture marks the beginning that period of time referred to in Christian and Judaic eschatology as the day of the Lord.  The standing corn (or sorghum), it is believed, symbolize those who will become Christians in possession of the Holy Spirit during the tribulation period (Mt. 24:21-22; Rev.7:13-17), the initial phase of the day of the Lord.    Although they will not constitute the church of Jesus Christ (the church is not found on earth during the tribulation period), they will be among the redeemed of the Lord in the day of the Lord, and after their death and resurrection, will be the redeemed of the Lord in the future age, as well.  The future age, as we have seen, is that age referred to in Christian eschatology as the age to come (Mt. 12:31-32).  Symbolically, the standing corn (or sorghum) in the field will be harvested during the day of the Lord, particularly during the short period of time referred to in the Bible as the great tribulation Mt. 24:21-22; Rev. 7:13-17).  The harvest of this field of standing corn (or sorghum), it is believed, symbolizes the death of these Christians.  However, not all Christians will die in the tribulation period (Mt. 25:31-46).  Many will be alive at the time of the second coming of Jesus Christ.  At first, it might be considered, symbolically, fitting for the standing corn (or sorghum), after its harvest, to be placed in the wagon with the corn (or sorghum) that is already lying there.  However, the latter, as noted above, symbolizes the church, including the last living members of the church who are taken in the rapture.  These will be resurrected at the time of the rapture.  But the standing corn (or sorghum) symbolizes those of mankind who will become Christians in possession of the Holy Spirit following the rapture during the day of the Lord.  When they die they will be taken to the abode of the dead in the spiritual realm where the righteous dead dwell (who are not the church of Jesus Christ), awaiting their resurrection.  The resurrection of these will take place following the second coming of Jesus Christ in power and glory on earth at the end of the tribulation period (Rev. 20:4).

It may be noted that the tallest stalks of standing corn (or sorghum) do not attain the height of the white flowers, mentioned above.  This may symbolize that the living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator, positionally, are higher than man in the eyes of the Creator at the present time.  This may be because the Creator considers them to be material angels (in contrast to spiritual angels).  It may also be noted that alignment A intersects the top of the tall stalk of corn (or sorghum) being held upright by the farmer standing in the wagon.  Is it possible that this tall stalk of corn (or sorghum) symbolizes the resurrected Jesus Christ?  This is the view taken by the writer, and in type (Lev. 23:9-12) and analogy (Jn. 12:24), this view seems to be supported by the Scriptures.  Therefore, the time symbolized by the photograph appears to be that time referred to in Christian eschatology as the beginning of the day of the Lord, when Jesus Christ will appear and gather to himself his church, both those who are deceased, as well as the members of his church who are alive at that time.  The latter, as noted above, will be translated into the kingdom of God (1 Thes. 4:13-18, 5:1-2).  This event, the rapture, will mark the beginning of that day referred to in both Judaism and Christianity as the day of the Lord. 

The farmer depicted in the photograph, who is driving the horse-drawn wagon and holding upright a tall stalk of corn (or sorghum)-as if displaying it for all to see-is believed to symbolize the prophet Elijah.  The latter, apparently, is involved in the events that initiate the day of the Lord.  This, it is believed, is indicated in the Scriptures in Mal. 4:5-6:

                    5  Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the
                    coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
                    6  And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children,
                    and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come 
                    smite the earth with a curse.

As for the two horses pulling the wagon, these, it is believed, symbolize the two prophets of Rev. 11:3-13 who will be the spokesmen for the Creator on earth during early part of the tribulation period. 

In conclusion, we have seen that the symbolism of this photograph of a UFO readily lends itself to an interpretation that pertains to the beginning of that period of time in Christian eschatology referred to as the day of the Lord.  In addition, we have seen that, based on the symbolism present in this photograph, that spaceships operated by living entities of the advanced interstellar civilizations that serve the Creator will be involved in the events of that time, also.  The amount of involvement by the latter is not known, for certain.  But considering the importance of this time in the plan and purpose of the Creator for the creation and the life that dwells therein, it would be safe to assume the involvement and commitment of these living entities to that plan and purpose will be total.

Commentary:  As was the case with UFO photographs 1, 2, 3, and 4 of 5, a relationship is believed to exist between UFO photograph 5 of 5 and the other four UFO photographs in this study.  Once again, one aspect of this relationship, it is believed, concerns chronology.  In the chronological sequence of UFO photographs presented in this study beginning with UFO photograph 1 of 5 and ending with UFO photograph 5 or 5, a beginning year of 1947 was, symbolically, associated with UFO photograph 1 of 5 because the latter, as noted in the post concerning this photograph, is believed to symbolize Kenneth Arnold's sighting of nine UFOs over the state of Washington, USA, on June 24, 1947.  If UFO photograph 1 of 5 symbolizes the beginning of the technological aspect of the Creator's plan and purpose to prepare man for the beginning of the day of the Lord, is it possible that UFO photograph 5 or 5 symbolizes the conclusion of the technological aspect of the Creator's plan and purpose to prepare man for the beginning of that day?  The writer also wonders, is it  possible to determine a year that is associated with UFO photograph 5 of 5 as was the case concerning UFO photograph 1 of 5?  If so, would this year be same as the year of the appearance of Jesus Christ to gather to himself his church and initiate the beginning of the day of the Lord?  It is possible that Scripture, such as Mt. 24: 32-35, would help in determining this time-if not the specific year-perhaps the season of Jesus Christ's appearance and the beginning of the day of the Lord.  Although this may seem to be possible, we shall not attempt to determine this time either by means of a UFO photograph or Scripture.  In Mt. 24:36, Jesus Christ stated concerning his appearance and the beginning of that day, "But of the day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." That, apparently, is the last word on the subject, and it is sufficient.

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