Figure 1. The inspired source, "Traffic Light" (Figure 1),
with alignments not drawn. A photograph taken by the
Curiosity rover on September 19, 2014 of the Mars
terrain feature,called the "traffic light." Click on the picture
to enlarge. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/California Institute of
Technology/Malin Space Science Systems)
with alignments not drawn. A photograph taken by the
Curiosity rover on September 19, 2014 of the Mars
terrain feature,called the "traffic light." Click on the picture
to enlarge. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/California Institute of
Technology/Malin Space Science Systems)
Figure 2. The inspired source, "Traffic Light" (Figure 2),
with alignments drawn. A photograph taken by the
Curiosity rover on September 19, 2014 of the Mars terrain
feature, called the "traffic light," Click on the picture to
enlarge. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/California Institute of
Technology/Malin SpaceScience Systems)
with alignments drawn. A photograph taken by the
Curiosity rover on September 19, 2014 of the Mars terrain
feature, called the "traffic light," Click on the picture to
enlarge. (Courtesy of NASA/JPL/California Institute of
Technology/Malin SpaceScience Systems)
It is assumed that the traffic light (Figures 1 and 2) was photographed by a camera aboard the Curiosity rover that was located relatively close to the ground. Therefore, the traffic light feature probably is not a large feature the size of an actual traffic light. Rather, it is probably only three or four inches along its longest dimension. If the traffic light feature was intelligently designed, it probably was also intelligently located on Mars so that it would be discovered and photographed by the Curiosity rover as it traveled over this area of Mars on September 19, 2014. Like the rock, Pinnacle Peak, also called the "Mars Jelly Doughnut Rock," which was photographed by the Opportunity rover on January 8, 2014, the traffic light feature may have been placed by the Creator, and/or living entities who serve the Creator, at a place where they knew the Curiosity rover would visit and photograph the object during its travels that day.
The designer of the traffic light feature, it is believed, was the Creator, and/or living entities who serve him, and the photograph of this feature taken on September 19, 2014 is believed to be an inspired source. In this blog, an inspired source is an anomalous artifact or terrain feature produced by man that possesses alignments and symbolism. This includes photographs of artifacts and terrain features, as well. Although the traffic light feature was not produced by man, the photograph of this object is an artifact of man that was produced by him. This may qualify the traffic light feature to be considered as an inspired source. The symbolism in inspired sources, as we shall see, is associated with alignments and alignment points that are present in these artifacts. This is true, regardless, whether the latter is a crafted artifact or a photograph. The symbolism that is present in inspired sources transmits knowledge-knowledge, which, it is believed, the Creator must feel is important for man to know at this time in his history. Therefore, inspired sources are called "inspired" because they are believed to be inspired by the Creator; and they are called "sources" because the increments of knowledge transmitted by the symbolism of inspired sources are sources of knowledge. The subject of inspired sources is discussed in greater detail in the blog: Inspired Sources and Man's Destiny, Volume I (Posts 1-37, particularly Posts 3, 24-29); Volume II (Posts 38-75); and this blog: Inspired Sources, Symbolism, and Anomalies (Posts 1-16).
It may be noted that the photograph of the traffic light feature possesses alignments and points of alignments (Figure 2). Two of these alignments, alignments A and B, will be discussed in this post and their symbolism studied. However, there may be other alignments in the photograph of the traffic light feature that are not known at the present time and await discovery. Alignment A begins at point A1 located at the middle of the right end of the shaft of the red arrow, proceeds to point A2 at the point of the red arrow located at the left end of the latter, and terminates at point A3 located at the middle of the top "light" of the traffic light feature. This light, if it were the top light of an actual traffic light, would be the red light. Therefore, we shall note that the red arrow that points to the traffic light feature also points to a circular sub-feature of that terrain feature that resembles the red light of a traffic light.
Turning now to other sub-features of the anomalous terrain feature, an actual traffic light is comprised of three lights. From bottom to the top, these are a green light, a yellow light, and a red light. However, associated with this terrain feature, there appears to be four sub-features that could be viewed, symbolically, as the lights of the traffic light. Three of these sub-features are similar in appearance. They are circular and are light in hue. But the fourth sub-feature, located beneath the top sub-feature, is different in appearance from the other three. It is circular, but smaller than the other three, and it is dark in hue. These four sub-features, it is believed, symbolically, represent the four nations/space programs, mentioned above, that have reached Mars to this time.
It may be recalled that on September 24, 2014, just five days after the terrain feature referred to as the traffic light was photographed by the Curiosity rover, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) reported that India's Mars orbiter spacecraft successfully entered into orbit around the planet Mars. With this successful Mars orbit insertion operation, the ISRO became the fourth nation/space program to reach Mars. Before them came the former Soviet Union (FKA), the USA (NASA), and Europe (ESA). India also became the first nation to arrive at Mars on its first attempt. It also was the first Asian nation to accomplish an orbit insertion of Mars.
It may be added that a USA NASA spacecraft, called the MAVAN spacecraft, was inserted into orbit around Mars on September 21, 2014, three days before the Indian Mars orbiter spacecraft did so. In addition, a comet, named Siding Spring, which was discovered last year, will pass closest to Mars about four weeks after MAVAN enters orbit around Mars. The comet is going to miss Mars by about 87,000 miles. This is a very close approach as far as a comet passing close to a planet is concerned. Scientists believe that the dust from the comet will not pose a serious problem to the MAVAN spacecraft or the Indian spacecraft during the close passage of the comet by of Mars later this year. With all this traffic arriving at Mars between September and November 2014, the Creator may have thought that an an inspired terrain feature in the form of a traffic light would be an appropriate symbol for the Curiosity rover to discover and photograph at this time.
However, in a more serious vein, is it possible that the insertion of India's Mars orbiter spacecraft into orbit around Mars, has symbolic significance, and the Creator may be revealing to man, by means of the anomalous terrain feature referred to as the traffic light, that India's Mars orbiter spacecraft will be the last spaceship to reach Mars before the beginning of that period of time referred to in Christian eschatology as the day of the Lord (Isa. 2:10-17; Joel 1:1-11). Is it just a mere coincidence that ISRO's Mars Orbiter Mission was the fourth nation/space program to reach Mars and this occurred just five days after the Curiosity rover photographed this terrain feature referred to as the traffic light? As we have seen, alignment A intersects the fourth light from the bottom of this terrain feature, and this light in the sequence of an actual traffic light is the red light. A red light means stop. Could the Creator, by means of the symbolism of the traffic light feature, be revealing to man that there will not be another successful spacecraft of man's space programs arrive at Mars until after some momentous event occurs. In this blog, this momentous event is believed to be the beginning of the day of the Lord?
In this context, the traffic light feature with its four sub-features can be viewed as symbolizing the space programs of the former Soviet Union (the bottom, or the green, light), the USA (the second from the bottom, or the yellow, light), Europe, that is, the twenty nations that comprise the European Space Agency (the second from the top, or the dark, light), and India (the top, or red, light). As we have seen, the sub-feature that symbolizes the ESA is different than the other three. Likewise, the twenty nations that comprise the ESA are different from the solitary nations/space programs that are symbolized by the other three sub-features. But how does one know, for certain, that the top sub-feature of the traffic light feature symbolizes India, and what is so special about India with regards to the day of the Lord? Finally, what does the red arrow symbolize, if anything? We shall now attempt to answer these questions by studying alignment B.
The second alignment that is present in the inspired source and will be discussed at this time is alignment B. Alignment B begins at point B1 located at the bottom of the right end of the shaft of the red arrow, proceeds to point B2 located at the top of the right end of the shaft of the red arrow, and terminates at point B3 located at the beginning of a short, narrow, linear depression in the surface rock that is filled with wind-blown regolith (or soil, as regolith is called on earth). If one looks carefully, he may see that the red arrow overlies, in part, a cracked portion of the surface rock that resembles, in configuration, the nation of India as seen from high above the earth. In this context, the red arrow is located in the west central part of India. The terrain feature that resembles India also has a southern triangular tip, like the southern triangular tip of the actual subcontinent. However, this triangular tip has been torn loose from the surface rocks by some unknown force and displaced a few inches away. The symbolic significance of this is not known, for certain.
The surface rock above the red arrow in the photograph is elevated, and this elevation occurs abruptly. This elevated surface rock could be viewed, symbolically, as depicting the Himalayas. However, this elevated surface rock seems to located further south on the terrain feature that symbolizes India than the actual Himalayas do with regard to the actual India. Is it possible that the elevated surface rocks, referred to above, symbolize something other than, or in addition to, the Himalayas? The part of the elevated surface rock facing the viewer has the appearance of three geared wheels. Could these symbolize a machine of some sort? Perhaps, these three geared wheels symbolize the tracked wheels of a military machine, such as a tank. These three geared wheels also can be viewed as associated with a vague terrain feature that comprises the surface rocks that lie above the features, referred to above as the three geared wheels. This vague terrain feature resembles, in configuration, the nation of China as the latter is viewed from high above the earth. China, of course, possesses a powerful military machine. Could this be what the three geared wheels symbolize in this context-the military machine of China?
On the right of this vague terrain feature is a depression that is filled with wind-blown regolith. This terrain feature, symbolically, could be viewed as the Yellow Sea. Terrain features are present here that may represent the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan, also. In addition, the short, narrow, linear depression in the surface rock that is filled with wind-blown regolith, one end of which point B3 is located, also joins the large depression filled with wind-blown soil, mentioned above, that appears to symbolize the Yellow Sea. Could the former represent the Bohai Sea, which adjoins the Yellow Sea? Point B3, in this context, may symbolize the capital of China, that is, Beijing. Although the actual Beijing is located near the Bohai Sea, but not on it, traditionally, commerce between Beijing and the outside world has been conducted by means of ports located on the Bohai Sea. Therefore, the association of Beijing with the Bohai Sea could be viewed as something not entirely unreasonable in this inspired source.
Therefore, we have alignment A, which seems to symbolize India; and we have alignment B, which seems to symbolize China. But what is the symbolism trying to tell us about the relationship, or the future relationship, between these two nations? The red arrow, in the case of India, seems to be signifying that India's future is associated with space. This view is supported by its association with the top light of the traffic light terrain feature and its inclusion with the three other nations/space programs that have reached Mars. The latter are signified by the three other sub-features of the traffic light feature. India's association with space, as we have seen, is symbolized by alignment A and its alignment parallel to the long dimension of the shaft of the red arrow until it intersects the top light of the traffic light feature at point A3. The red arrow, in the case of China, seems to be signifying that China's future is associated with hegemony in Asia. This is symbolized by alignment B and its alignment perpendicular to the long dimension of the shaft of red arrow until it intersects the beginning of the terrain feature, mentioned above, that is believed to symbolize the Bohai Sea at point B3. Point B3, in this context, as we have seen, is believed to symbolize the city of Beijing, China.
In addition, it may be noted that the red arrow is red. And red is the predominate color of the national flag of China. Also note that the course of alignment B causes it to intersect the first of the three terrain features that resembles the geared wheel of a tank. This, it is believed, is supportive of the view that the future of China will involve territorial conquest by military means. And this may occur, largely, at the expense of India. The red arrow, in this context, may also reveal something concerning the direction of the Chinese invasion of India. The main force of this invasion may begin in northeastern India and proceed westward across India in the direction indicated by the red arrow. When this invasion is finished, China may occupy all the territory north of the Ganges River and its tributaries, while India will occupy the remainder of the Indian subcontinent south of the Ganges River and its tributaries. It would not be unreasonable to assume that other nations will be involved in this future war, also.
However, one would have to assume that something extraordinary will first take place before China would consider launching an invasion, such as this. After all, both nations possess nuclear weapons. Faced with a military defeat and loss of considerable territory as a result of an invasion by China, one would naturally assume that India would resort to the use of nuclear weapons against China. If this occurred, the latter could be expected to use nuclear weapons against India, as well. Electromagnetic pulse weapons may be used in this war for the first time. This may explain some of the extraordinary conditions that may have to first take place before this war can occur. The detonation of a nuclear device in the upper atmosphere, resulting in an electromagnetic pulse, may result in a regional (?) electrical power blackout. This would immediately result in new strategies and different kinds of weapons for many of those who continued to wage war. In the areas affected by the electrical blackout, warfare may eventually involve men fighting one another with ancient weaponry, such as spears, swords, and bows and arrows. And the most rapid, dependable means of transportation in these areas, once more, may become the horse.
If this event takes place, would it mark the beginning of the day of the Lord, or would it be an event that merely precedes the beginning of the day of the Lord and hastens the latter? The view taken in this blog is that this nuclear war and invasion, if it takes place, will precede the beginning of the day of the Lord and hasten the latter. In addition, as we have seen, the red arrow in the inspired source points to the top light of the traffic light feature, and this light is the red light on an actual traffic light. Does this mean that this nuclear war and invasion that the Creator indicated by means of symbolism could take place at this time, perhaps, this very year-2014-will not take place this year? That this is so seems to be symbolized by the red light of the traffic light feature. A red light means stop. Therefore, perhaps the war, described above, as well as the subsequent beginning of the day of the Lord, which, perhaps, the Creator foresaw could have come to pass at this time, has been postponed until another time-a time, which he only knows.
White, Joseph: an article in the Huffington Post, published online September 25, 2014, entitled, "'Traffic Light' On Mars Spotted in NASA Curiosity Rover Photo"
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