The completion of this post, Post 10, of the blog: Inspired Sources, Symbolism, and Anomalies, will mark the end of posting on this blog for the time being. Post 9 of this blog, dated October 16, 2013, entitled, The Hannah McRoberts UFO Photograph (1981) and a Related Inspired Source, introduced the reader to the possibility that it may be feasible at this time to seek (and find) the three instruments of mystical particle transfer. These instruments, it is believed, have been, or will be, hidden at places on earth for man to find by living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization that serve the Creator. These living entities, it is believed, have been involved in the development of man on earth for long time.
The three instruments of mystical particle transfer are referred to in this blog as the helmet, the breastplate, and the sword. It is not the purpose of this blog to reveal the precise location on earth where these instruments may be found. At this time, this is not known, for certain, by anyone but the Creator and the living entities (material angels) that have placed, or will place, these instruments at various secret locations on earth. Therefore, determining the precise location of these instruments is something the seeker of these instruments, on most occasions, will have to do for himself. However, the study of inspired sources that pertain to these instruments, it is believed, is the first step in discovering these instruments and the places on earth where they are, or will be, hidden. For serious seekers of these instruments, that is, those, who have the Creator's purposes and the betterment of mankind in mind, the Creator, in the person of the Holy Spirit, it is believed will go before him and produce the miraculous "coincidences" that will make it possible for him to discover these instruments. Believing the present time is critical in this regard and to allow ample time for the discovery of these instruments, the writer of this blog has decided that most posts that will be posted on this blog for the time being will be those that pertain to the search for these instruments by those, including himself, who believe that the time has arrived for man to discover these instruments. However, as time allows, posts concerning other subjects will continue to be posted on this blog, also.
As we have seen in this blog and the blog entitled, Inspired Sources and Man's Destiny ( by Jack Hetrick, the techniques involved in the study of an inspired source are not difficult to understand and apply. They largely involve determining if anomalous features and alignments (straight lines possessing three or more alignment points) are present in an artifact. If they are, and it is determined that these anomalous features and alignments convey knowledge through symbolism, then the artifact can be considered an inspired source. An artifact in this sense can be considered any object produced by man (and some that were not produced by man), and, In this context, even a photograph can be considered an artifact. The next step is to make associations between the anomalous features collocated with the alignment points of the alignments of an inspired source. This is necessary to understand the symbolism of the inspired source. When this is done correctly, the knowledge conveyed by the symbolism, will be found to concern matters of importance that pertain to man's destiny. In Post 9, entitled, The Hannah McRoberts UFO Photograph (1981) and a Related Inspired Source, the symbolism associated with the inspired sources of this post appears to reveal the location of one of the three instruments of mystical particle transfer-in this case, it is the helmet.
The location of this instrument was indicated to be northern Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada. In October 2013, the writer attempted to visit the place on Vancouver Island, where inspired sources indicated this instrument may be located. This determination was based on insights provided by the symbolism of the inspired sources that were discussed in Post 9, mentioned above. For reasons that will not be explained, as he proceeded on his journey, he found it more and more difficult to make the necessary transportation connections to his destination in northern Vancouver Island, where he believed that this instrument may have been hidden. This was taken as a sign that the trip would not be successful, and so, was terminated at Vancouver, B.C., Canada, without the writer even setting foot on Vancouver Island. Perhaps, others will be more successful in discovering this instrument than he was, and perhaps not.
Despite this inauspicious beginning, it is the writer's belief that the time has arrived for the search for the instruments of mystical particle transfer to begin. If one is motivated by a godly spirit, and has the Creator's purposes and the betterment of mankind in mind, it is believed that he will be more likely to find these instruments than one who does not. What man will do with the instruments of mystical particle transfer, when he discovers them, is discussed in another blog entitled, Inspired Sources and Man's Destiny ( by Jack Hetrick. This blog presently consists of thirty-seven posts that reproduce in a blog format an unpublished work by Jack Hetrick entitled, The Creation: Its Infinite Features and Finite Realms, Volume I: The Mystery of Inspired Sources and Their Significance to Man.
Finally, to those who believe that the instruments of mystical particle transfer exist, and desire to obtain them for the purpose of serving the Creator and improving the wellbeing of mankind, I wish you success in your search, wherever it may take you. For many, the mystical experience of being part of something as awesome as the Creator's purpose and plan for the creation and the life that dwells therein, is sufficient reward in itself. If it so happens he discovers one or more of the instruments of mystical particle transfer, this can be considered an enrichment of the experience. Therefore, whatever it is that you discover on your journey, whether it be expected or unexpected, tangible or intangible, remember to be thankful, if for no other reason that you had the opportunity to walk with the Creator, and were called by him to participate in this important work. If you remember this, maybe you will have an opportunity to walk with him, again, and participate in another important work.
1 O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good:
for his mercy endureth for ever. (Ps. 136:1)
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