It may be recalled in Post 9 of this blog, dated October 16, 2013, inspired sources indicated that one of the instruments of mystical particle transfer, referred to in this blog as the helmet, may be located on Vancouver Island near the town of Sayward, B.C., Canada. An imaginative depiction of the helmet is presented in Figure 1. Click on the picture and associated key to enlarge each. Since that time, the writer has studied several inspired sources that pertain to this matter in order to determine if a time period exists for man to discover the instruments of mystical particle transfer that have been, or will be, hidden in various secret places on earth by living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization that serve the Creator. The purpose of this, apparently, is to allow man to discover these instruments, and begin the transformation of his planetary civilization, based on material technology to an advanced civilization, based on mystical technology. After studying these inspired sources, it has been tentatively determined that a time period does exist with regards to the helmet believed to have been hidden on Vancouver Island. However, the time period for finding this instrument probably has expired. This, most likely, occurred on January 10, 2014.
Figure 1. An imaginative depiction of the helmet,
one of three instruments of mystical particle transfer.
Click on the picture and associated key to enlarge each.
Before studying the symbolism of the inspired sources that pertains to this instrument hidden on Vancouver Island and the signs and wonders that, it is believed, the Creator provided to accompany the beginning of the time period for man to discover this instrument, it should be noted that despite the fact that this instrument may no longer be capable of being found by man on Vancouver Island, the fact that this instrument was capable of being found by man during this time period, must mean that, in the eyes of the Creator, the time has arrived for man to seek, and more importantly, to find, the instruments of mystical particle transfer that have been, or will be, hidden for man to find by living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization that serve the Creator. In Post 9 certain assumptions were made concerning this time period, which may now appear to be in error. But that may not actually be so. The assumptions stated in Post 9 concerning a short time period of one year for finding these instruments, individually, and a long time period of seven years for finding these instruments, collectively, may still be correct.
However, instead of the search by man for these instruments beginning exactly thirty-two years after the sighting of the disc UFO in October 1981 by Hannah McRoberts, that is, in October 2013, a period of time consisting of so many months before or after October 2013 may be in effect for the actual beginning of this search. If this is correct, then it may have been the Creator's will for the actual beginning of this search by man to begin in January 2013 instead of October 2013. If this was truly the Creator's will concerning this matter, then the time period for the search for the helmet hidden on Vancouver Island actually began in January 2013 and concluded in January 2014. This, of course, refers to the short time period for finding the instruments of mystical particle transfer, individually. The long period of time for finding these instruments, collectively, which is believed to be seven years, would still be valid, except that instead of the search concluding in October 2020, it would be concluded in January 2020.
In Post 9 of this blog, it was stated that on January 11, 2013 a fiery asteroid was sighted passing over Vancouver Island and the state of Washington, USA. This was followed by an unusually large number of sightings of UFOs that took place over Vancouver Island later the same day. These events may be studied on-line (Google). At the time that this post was published on October 16, 2013, the writer wondered if the unusual events that occurred on January 11, 2013 could be a sign from the Creator and living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization that serve the Creator, operating from spaceships, that the year, 2013, was the year when man's search for the instruments of mystical particle transfer was supposed to begin. If so, then the Creator, apparently, had intended this quest to begin on Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada. Since that time in October 2013, the writer has studied other inspired sources, and these seem to confirm that the year, 2013, was the time that the search for the instruments of mystical particle transfer was supposed to begin.
We shall now briefly study two of these inspired sources that confirm the significance of the year, 2013, in the above context. However, we are not looking for a location on Vancouver Island where the helmet may have been hidden for man to find. The time period for finding this instrument, it is believed, has past, and a search carried out by man to find the helmet will not be successful at this time. Therefore, we will turn to the two inspired sources, mentioned above, and study the symbolism present in them. As we shall see, the symbolism of these inspired sources convey knowledge concerning the helmet that was hidden on Vancouver Island for most of 2013. But this symbolism, it is believed, also conveys knowledge concerning other subjects that may be of interest to the reader, if he will attempt to analyze this symbolism.
Figure 2. The inspired source, "Saying Grace," and
symbolism concerning the three instruments of mystical
particle transfer: the helmet, breastplate, and sword.
This inspired source also possesses symbolism that
associates the helmet with Vancouver Island, B.C.,
Canada. Click on the picture to enlarge the painting.
The first inspired source that will be discussed is a painting by Norman Rockwell entitled,
"Saying Grace," which appeared on the cover of the November 24, 1951 issue of The Saturday Evening Post (Figure 2). Click on the picture to enlarge the painting. The reader's attention is called to the umbrella, knitting bag, and hat lying on the floor in proximity to the elderly woman and young man sitting at the dining table. These three objects, it is believed, symbolize the helmet (represented by the hat), the breastplate (represented by the knitting bag), and the sword (represented by the umbrella) that comprise the three instruments of mystical particle transfer. In addition, it may be noted that behind these three objects, also lying on the floor, is a piece of luggage with an alligator skin exterior. If one views the latter carefully, a form that resembles the left profile of the head of a leopard or jaguar can be discerned. One of the grips of this piece of luggage is responsible for the forehead and left eye of this ambiguous feature that resembles the head of a leopard or jaguar. In addition, the mouth of this animal, complete with teeth, can be seen in the lower left area of this piece of luggage. Because this ambiguous feature that resembles a leopard or a jaguar has its left profile in view, this can be interpreted to mean that the three instruments of mystical particle transfer, mentioned above, involve left-handed mystical technology.
Although there may be more that can be studied concerning this inspired source, only one alignment will be discussed. This alignment, alignment A, makes an association between the hat (the helmet) and the coat of the young man that is lying against the back of the chair in which he is sitting. Alignment A begins at point A1 located at the base of the hat, where the latter meets the upper, right aspect of the umbrella handle, proceeds a short distance to point A2 located at the base of the hat, where the latter meets the upper, left aspect of the umbrella handle, and continues to point A3 located at the top of the folded coat of the young man. As one can see, a symbolic association seems to exist between the hat and the coat, mentioned above. We have identified the hat. It symbolizes the helmet. But what does the coat symbolize in this context? If one looks at the outline of the coat carefully, he may discover that this outline resembles the outline of Vancouver Island as viewed from high above the earth. And it is the opinion of the writer that the coat does symbolizes Vancouver Island.
Although we may conclude that Vancouver Island is the location where the helmet is, or was, hidden, one should note that this part of the coat, where point A3 is located, does not have beams of sunlight falling upon it (though some are falling very near). However, if we proceed along the top of the coat further to the left of point A3, we find that the beams of sunlight are falling on this part of the coat in great profusion. Sunlight, in this context, may symbolize the presence of the Holy Spirit and enlightenment concerning the location of the helmet. The sunlight, mentioned above, strikes the coat on a part of the latter that can be viewed as symbolizing northern Vancouver Island, and in general, the area where the town of Sayward would be located on an actual map of Vancouver Island. Although this inspired source does not appear to reveal anything concerning the time period that may exist for man to find the helmet that is, or was, hidden on Vancouver Island, there does appear to be symbolism concerning this matter in the second of the two inspired sources that will be studied in this post.
Figure 3. The inspired source, "Triple
Self-Portrait," and symbolism that
associates the helmet with Vancouver
Island, B.C., Canada, and a date of
January 11, 2013. Click on the picture
to enlarge the painting.
Island, B.C., Canada, and a date of
January 11, 2013. Click on the picture
to enlarge the painting.
So, to begin, the month of the year of the beginning of the search for the helmet is believed to be symbolized by the projection on the helmet located on the medial aspect of the latter, which resembles the number, "1." This means, it is believed, that the month of this beginning is January. Next, the day of the month of the year of the beginning of the search for the helmet is believed to be symbolized by the two straps hanging down from the helmet. These resemble the number, "11." This means, it is believed, that the day of the month of January of this beginning is the eleventh day of January. Next, the first number of the year of the beginning of the search for the helmet, that is, "2," is believed to be symbolized by the upper part of the left strap and its connection with a line that can be viewed as existing along the top of the canvas from a point that begins at the left strap and ends at the base of the right side of the wooden board that supports the canvas on the left side of the helmet. Next, the second number of the year of the beginning of the search for the helmet, that is, "0," is believed to be symbolized by the rectangular perimeter of the exposed part of the wooden board, mentioned above, on the left side of the helmet. Next, the third number of the year of the beginning of the search for the helmet, that is "1," is believed to be symbolized by the entire length of the top, horizontal dimension of the highest photograph attached to the upper right part of the canvas (upper right from the perspective of one viewing the work), which resembles the number 1 lying on its side. Finally, the fourth number of the year of the beginning of the search for the helmet, that is, "3," is believed to be symbolized by parts of three objects of the inspired source found on the left side of the helmet. These are: (1) part of the exposed part of the wooden board, mentioned above, (2) part of the length of the top, horizontal dimension of the highest photograph attached to the upper right part of the canvas, mentioned above, and (3) part of the left vertical dimension of the same photograph.
As noted above, the rod held by N. Rockwell forms a line that separates the highest photograph attached to the upper right hand corner of the canvas and the second highest photograph, here. This is assumed to mean that the symbolism that pertains to the helmet hidden on Vancouver Island and the date January 11, 2013 ends at the line formed by the rod. If the helmet was initially hidden on Vancouver Island on Jan 11, 2013, and it is assumed that the time period for man's finding of this instrument is one year, then the end of the time period for finding this instrument would be January 10, 2014. So far, we have discussed the period of time for finding the helmet on Vancouver Island. However, we have not yet determined in the inspired source, "Triple Self-Portrait," that the helmet depicted in this inspired source is, or was, hidden on that island. However, there is symbolism in the inspired source that depicts this, also. And this symbolism is in the form of an alignment. If an alignment, alignment A, is drawn from the last dimension (the left, vertical dimension) of the highest photograph attached to the upper right corner of the canvas, mentioned above, it will be found to be comprised of three points, points A1, A2, and A3. At point A3, it may be noted that alignment A intersects a half-used tube of paint lying on the floor. This tube of paint, as can be seen, resembles Vancouver Island, as that island would be viewed from high above the earth. In addition, point A3 is located at a place on the tube of paint, where one would expect to find the town of Sayward on a map of Vancouver Island.
Therefore, it can be stated with some degree of confidence that the time period for the beginning of man's search for the instruments of mystical particle transfer began January 11, 2013, and with regard to the helmet, mentioned above, probably expired January 10, 2014. Although man has lost the opportunity to obtain this instrument of mystical particle transfer, it is assumed that there will be other instruments that will be hidden by living entities of an advanced interstellar civilization that serve the Creator between the present time and 2020. Although there may be many instruments that will be hidden during this period of time, the number of instruments that will be found may be few. And they may not be found only by those nations and people who are materially and technologically advantaged. The Creator may involve many nations and people in this search during this period of time, and some of these may be the unexpected lights of technological advance and innovation in the next decade.
One reason the writer feels that the time period for the finding of the helmet on Vancouver Island does not extend from October 2013 until October 2014, as first proposed in Post 9 and stated again in Post 11, is that no inspired source has been discovered since the inspired source designated Figure 3 in Post 11 that would indicate that man is still capable of finding the helmet that is, or was, hidden on Vancouver Island. That inspired source was the last the writer has encountered that possessed symbolism that indicates this. And since that inspired source appeared as a photograph in a newspaper dated January 2, 2014, and the end of the time period for finding the helmet on Vancouver Island is now believed to have been January 10, 2014, this would mean that though it was possible to seek and find the helmet on January 2, 2014, this would not be possible after January 10, 2014. As stated above, no inspired sources have been discovered since the latter date that would indicate that the helmet is still capable of being found on Vancouver Island. However, one needs to keep an open mind about these things. If evidence in the form of the symbolism of an inspired source is discovered in the future that indicates that the helmet, which is, or was, hidden on Vancouver Island may still be found by man on Vancouver Island, then a different paradigm will have to be constructed that reflects this reality.
One reason the writer feels that the time period for the finding of the helmet on Vancouver Island does not extend from October 2013 until October 2014, as first proposed in Post 9 and stated again in Post 11, is that no inspired source has been discovered since the inspired source designated Figure 3 in Post 11 that would indicate that man is still capable of finding the helmet that is, or was, hidden on Vancouver Island. That inspired source was the last the writer has encountered that possessed symbolism that indicates this. And since that inspired source appeared as a photograph in a newspaper dated January 2, 2014, and the end of the time period for finding the helmet on Vancouver Island is now believed to have been January 10, 2014, this would mean that though it was possible to seek and find the helmet on January 2, 2014, this would not be possible after January 10, 2014. As stated above, no inspired sources have been discovered since the latter date that would indicate that the helmet is still capable of being found on Vancouver Island. However, one needs to keep an open mind about these things. If evidence in the form of the symbolism of an inspired source is discovered in the future that indicates that the helmet, which is, or was, hidden on Vancouver Island may still be found by man on Vancouver Island, then a different paradigm will have to be constructed that reflects this reality.
Finch, Christopher: Norman Rockwell’s America, ©1975 Harry
N. Abrams, Inc.
Finch, Christopher: Norman Rockwell, 332 Magazine Covers, ©1979
Abbeville Press/Random HouseFair Use Notice: This post may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.
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and educational purposes. We believe this constitutes a fair use for any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C § 107